Relais BESTAR BR-700 Reed Relay (8V, 700Ω) switching the relay for CB radio, transceivers President, Tommy, Johnny, Harry III, 3, RL301, BRLG0122001, GPESX117, , SX117, Relais Harry3, BR-700E, BR-700 Ohm, 8VDC-UD30, E147052, RL122, RL-122, RL 122. Relais Type BR-700OHMS-8VDC-UD. Cordless Phone, Answering Machine and Caller Display unit.
Original reed relay, fitted as standard on most third-generation CB President radios.
This relay corresponds in the 3 Series of Presidents transceivers for switching on the loudspeaker on reception..
NOTE: fits to radio:
Johnny III ASC,
Harry III,
and similar. (labeled RL301, BRLG0122001, RL-122 BR-700OHMS-8VDC-UD) and in the Panasonic wireless telephone (KS-R-0700HL)
The offered type: BESTAR BR-700 8V DC
- Switching current 500mA
- Nominal voltage 8VDC
- Resistance-value 700Ω
- Coil power consumption 10W
- Operating temperature-30°C to 70°C
- Relase time 0.5ms
- Mechanical life 10.000.000 times
- Small size, light weigh
Relais BESTAR BR-700 Reed Relay (8V, 700Ω) switching the relay for CB radio, transceivers President, Tommy, Johnny, Harry III, 3, RL301, BRLG0122001, GPESX117, , SX117, Relais Harry3, BR-700E, BR-700 Ohm, 8VDC-UD30, E147052, RL122, RL-122, RL 122. Relais Type BR-700OHMS-8VDC-UD. Cordless Phone, Answering Machine and Caller Display unit.