Secop 101N0640 Electronic Control Unit for fridge Volvo FH4 P82174077

Secop 101N0640 Electronic Control Unit for fridge Volvo FH4 P82174077

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Electronic Control Unit Danfoss, Secop 101N0640 (24V DC) startup and driver for truck fridge Volvo FH4 P82174077 made in china, BLDC Controller,  84222218, 82420111 electronic module. Control box, inverter truck refrigerator. Starting device, compressor BD35 starter.


Secop 101N0640 Electronic Control Unit

It is considered a direct replacement. Simply remove a single screw to release module for the side of the compressor to  reveal the 3-pin plug that attaches the module to the compressor.

Please carefully check used model and type unit before buying!

Application in:
Truck fridge Volvo P82174077

1 Item

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