Ice cube mold for the Dometic absorption refrigerator

Ice cube mold for the Dometic absorption refrigerator

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Dometic Ice Cube Tray. Ice cube maker, mold, container for Marine, Boat Refrigerator. Electrolux Freezer Ice Maker Parts, accessories for RV and caravans, for portable car and touring coolers, gas cooler, 12v, 230v for a caravan, motorhome, original spare parts for an absorption refrigerator, ammonia fridge accessories, shop.


Ice cube tray for Dometic absorption refrigerator

Please check of the refrigerator model before buying!


Length - 175 mm

Width - 90 mm

Height - 20 mm

Some models may have other parts.

Using the nine-digit serial number (SKU / PNC ......), the correct spare part can be identified.

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