Keramikfilter 450kHz +/- 3kHz - muRata - 450HT, Typ: SFPLA450KH1A, CFP - 450kHz HT, CFU450HT, 3 Beine, (Filter, Traps, Diskriminatoren) Zwischenfrequenzfilter Für AM CB-Geräten, Audio, Visual Equipment, Quarz, Komponente ersetzt Kyocera KBF- 450P-6AS, LT450HTU
Ceramic filter second Intermediate frequency 450kHz - muRata ± 3kHz HT – 3 legs
SFPLA series for AM use is one of the most suitable intermediate filters, having such distinctive features as high selectivity, high stability, high attenuation, and adjustment-free operation. Additionally its easy matching with IC helps create an easy circuit design. This is the most suitable for car-stereo and all band radio with high attenuation.
Please check it carefully before purchase and replacement!
Most common in radio CB, it is filter ± 3kHz HT.
NOTE: fits to radio:
And others, in which there is a fail filters 450kHz.
The offered type: SFPLA450KH1A-B0
We recommend ceramic filters 450kHz - ± 3kHz also for hobbyist, amateur constructors of radio...
Keramikfilter 450kHz +/- 3kHz - muRata - 450HT, Typ: SFPLA450KH1A, CFP - 450kHz HT, CFU450HT, 3 Beine, (Filter, Traps, Diskriminatoren) Zwischenfrequenzfilter Für AM CB-Geräten, Audio, Visual Equipment, Quarz, Komponente ersetzt Kyocera KBF- 450P-6AS, LT450HTU