Filtr ceramiczny 455,5 typ SFZLA

Keramikfilter muRata 455,5kHz, Typ: SFZLA455KN2A

1,40 €

Keramikfilter 455,5kHz - muRata - 455,5 SFZ455HL, Typ: SFZLA455KN2A, SFZLA - 455,5 kHz


Ceramic filter 455,5kHz – muRata - SFZ455HL

After replace for filter high class, radio can: receive more signal when the same noise, less crosstalk, have better selectivity, cut out signals sent in other frequencies than right one for present channel. - It all depends of what radio and what filter there was. Fits for AM receivers.

Please check it carefully before purchase and replacement!

NOTE: The filter is suitable for wideband transceivers with IF 455,5kHz.

The offered type:: SFZLA455KN2A-B0

We recommend ceramic filters 455,5kHz also for hobbyist, amateur constructors of radio...

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