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Педальный переключатель, Bluetooth hожной педали USB, один пластиковый

Педальный переключатель, Bluetooth hожной педали USB, один пластиковый

50,80 €

Ножная педаль USB Ножной переключатель - Кнопка USB Ножной переключатель HID. Компьютерное управление через Bluetooth FS2016BT. Для медицинских устройств, УЗИ, для Томографа, ПК, игр, приложений, системы, автоматизации, производства, медицины, фотографии, фотошоп, камеры и управления принтером. Ручной контроллер, ручное управление с помощью ножек. Ножной переключатель.

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Single footswitch - controlled by Bluetooth


Footswitch Bluetooth / USB – allow for comfortable, precise switching applications or change the type of weapon in computer games. You can define the function of the footswitch, for example You can use it as a microphone control key or run a favorite macro with it, move the cursor and press the left mouse button and Space + Enter.
The number of usage and configuration is huge, and all only by use foot!

You can control multimedia buttons or use PAD features from games.

Switch used in PC (games, applications, system) to automation, production, medicine (USG, Tomography), photography (Photoshop, camera control) ...

Housing color : Blue
Switch color : Yellow
Material : Plastic
Length (USB cable) : 145 cm
Compatible with : : Win: XP, 2000, Vista, 7, 8, 10, OS X, Linux
Switch action : : Individual configuration
Plug and play : Don't requirement controller
Compatible with USB : : 1.1 HID (Human Interface Device)
Size :
: 14,1 x 13,1 x 3,5cm
: 270 g

The program for configuring the footswitch functions is free. Available for download from the site: Here

On request we can possible to program footswitch before shipping.

It also works with MAC OS X, Linux, Android * (however, you must first program features on Windows)

Don't requirement controller.

Modern foot switch Bluetooth / USB with wide spectrum of capabilities.

* by. manufacturer's declaration


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