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Металлоискатель Я арендую аренду Radom

15,24 €

Аренда металлоискателей, аренда детектора, аренда профессионального металлоискателя, помощь в поиске потерянных предметов в снегу, траве, на строительной площадке, в поисках недостающих металлических предметов (кольца, ключи, монеты, ювелирные изделия, кошельки, сундуки, телефоны, сточные воды) , военные). Скорая помощь, как найти металлоискатель в Радоме


Rental of a metal detector

Daily rate: PLN 60

A professional detector designed to search for any metal (steel and colored) lost jewelry (eg a ring, wedding ring, chains, bracelet, earring, watch, phone, documents with a chip, decorations, coins, keys to search for all kinds of "militarki", applications construction, backfilled manholes, wells, thicker pipes, hiding places in the walls, builders who flooded or embedded concrete manhole, well of the water valve.

The search can be conducted in grass, land, snow, shallow water.

It is effective and very easy to use - all you need to do is turn it on.

Technical parameters:
- Operating frequency: 17kHz
- Depth of detection: small object up to 30 cm; large object up to 140 cm
- Adjustable selection level
- Tuning and cutting off the substrate's influence and battery status indication
- Coil with a diameter of 20 cm, completely waterproof and waterproof
- Power supply 2 9V batteries, which last up to 20 hours. intensive work.
- Weight 1.4 kg
- Headphone jack

It is a professional metal detector of the English company C.Scope