Naprawa panelu sterującego - elektroniki w lodówce samochodowej Volvo

Reparatur des Temperaturkontrollpanels - Elektronik in einem Volvo-Kühlschrank

Reparatur des Temperaturkontrollpanels in Kühlschränken Fabrik montiert in LKWs Volvo BB FH 12, FH 13 bis 2008Jahres-Nr. 20844063. Service von elektronischen Thermostaten, Displays, Steuerplatine. Fehler E1, E2, Kühlschrank schaltet sich nicht ein, nur Frost, nicht kühl.


Repair of the temperature control panel in a Volvo refrigerator

Electronic display to set the temperature in the refrigerator.

Typical faults:

- Broken Buttons
- The temperature shown on the LCD screen is different than in the refrigerator
- The display only shows the dash
- The refrigerator does not react to changes in the thermostat setting
- The fridge turns off after a few seconds
- The refrigerator does not switch off
- Fridge works only like freezer (freeze bone)
- The refrigerator does not switch on

We fix all defects occurring electronic thermostats.

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