Gasbrenner für Dometic Absorberkühlschrank, Electrolux 30mbar für Gaskühlschrank, Teile für Camping c40/110 Kühlschränke, eingebauter Ammoniak-Kühlschrank für Wohnmobile, Kühlschrank im Wohnwagen starten, Modell 8551, RMD 8501, 8505, 8551, 8555, RMDM 8505, 8555, RMDT 8501, 8505, 8551, 8555, RML 8551, 8555, RMS 8401, 8405, 8465, 8501, 8505, 8551, 8555, RMSL 8501, RMT 7651L, 7655L, 7851L, 7855L.
Please check carefully before buying the type of burner used and the model of the refrigerator!
Note: The gas burner is without the nozzle, the nozzle is sold separately!
Used in refrigerators:
Some models may have other parts.
Using the nine-digit production number (SKU.....) the correct spare part can be determined.