Kühlschränke, Kühlbox für 12V, 24V und 230V - SERVICE, Reparatur

Reparatur und Service von touristischen Kühlschrank, Peltier-Modul reparieren, Verbesserung der thermoelektrischen Kühler. Auto, LKW, Bus, Yacht, Wohnmobil, Camping, Caravaning, Wohnmobil, Gefrierschrank, tragbare Kühlschränke mit 12V, 24V und 230V. Refrigeration Kühlaggregat, verwandte Probleme. Mit unseren Dienstleistungen sparen Sie Geld und erhalten eine Garantie, die besser ist als die einer


Repair and service of tourist refrigerator, portable fridges, cars freezers, thermoelectric coolers on 12V, 24V and 230V

We repair all models of tourist refrigerators. The term and cost of repair depends on the complexity of the fault and the availability of spare parts..

Tourist refrigerators are ideal for long holiday stays and weekend breaks. They cool down yours products by about 30 ° below ambient temperature, but they do not reach 0 ° C. Most of them also have a food heating function (up to + 65 ° C), which is useful in colder days or when you want to bring a warm meal. Thanks to the possibility of powering the tourist refrigerator from the cigarette lighter in the car, we can leave it in the car on a sunny day. They are powered by 12V, 24V or 230V.

Application: cars, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, coaches, camper, rv, yachts.


- Diagnosing a fault
- Valuation
- Repair and replacement of damaged parts

We have the possibility - Measurement with thermal imaging camera (thermal imaging)

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