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Pasta Termoprzewodząca Silikonowa H - 100g

Wärmeleitpaste Silikonpaste Fett 100g Tube Kühlpaste

6,35 €

Wärmeleitpaste paste, kühlpaste thermische für PC, GPU, LED, IC, Mosfets, heiße Verbindungen Industrielle Silikon-Wärmeleitpaste H 100g Rohr. Wärmeleitender Kühlkörper-Kleber-Silikon-Fett-Kleber Viskoser Kleber 


Heat Thermal Conductive Silicone Paste Grease 100g

General purpose silicone grease suitable to be used in various applications and in a wide operating temperature range. This metal oxide filled silicone oil paste, gives a superior thermal conductivity for thermal coupling of electrical and electronic components. The thermal grease is efficient and easy to use, with non creep characteristics. Protects from atmospheric factors, prevents from electrical breakdown, it is necessary with: petier modules, processors.

Operating temperature range: -50~200°C
Freezing pont: -50°C
Flash poin: 350°C
Density at temperature: 1,47 G/cm3
Specific heat at: 0,243 Cal /g K
Refraction coefficien: 1,405
Overall heat transfer coefficient: 0,88 W/m K

It is characterized by very good chemical resistance for oxidation, water solutions of acids, alkalis and salts; sulphur dioxide and ammonia.
It has a wide operating temperature range.

We offer: Silicon paste H 100g

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