Filtre céramique 455kHz +/- 6kHz - muRata - 455F, type: CFWLB455KFFA, CFW - 455 kHz F, 3 + 2 pieds, filtres CERAFIL (Filtres, Pièges, Discriminateurs) pour Equipements de Communication, composant remplace ALFYM455F par Toko.
Ceramic filter second Intermediate frequency 455kHz - muRata ± 6kHz HT - 3+2 legs
Ceramic filter CFWLB series are low profile high selectivity ceramic filters which use 6 elements in ladder form. They are best suitable to high-class transceivers, cordless telephones and amateur radios.
Please check it carefully before purchase and replacement!
NOTE: The filter is suitable for wideband transceivers with IF 455kHz.
The offered type: CFWLB455KFFA-B0
We recommend ceramic filters 455kHz ± 6kHz also for hobbyist, amateur constructors of radio...
Filtre céramique 455kHz +/- 6kHz - muRata - 455F, type: CFWLB455KFFA, CFW - 455 kHz F, 3 + 2 pieds, filtres CERAFIL (Filtres, Pièges, Discriminateurs) pour Equipements de Communication, composant remplace ALFYM455F par Toko.