- Obecnie brak na stanie

Kamm für Türablage für Dometic Absorberkühlschrank, weiß, 30cm, Flaschenschloss, Flaschenspanner, Flaschenhalter auf der Kühlschrankablage, Domitic, Domatic, Domestik Kühlschranktür, Original Ersatzteile, Shop, Zubehör, für Reisemobil, Wohnwagen, RML 9430, RML 9431, RML 9435, RMLT9435.
Bottle Retainer for shelf door Dometic RML 9430 / 9431 / 9435 / RMLT 9435 absorption refrigerator
Please carefully check the model of the refrigerator you are using before buying!
Width - 307 mm
Height - 65 mm
Depth - 18 mm
Colour - White
Material - Plastic
Used in refrigerators:
Some models may have other parts.
Using the nine-digit serial number (SKU / PNC ......), the correct spare part can be identified.