Szukanie uszkodzonych przewodów w ziemi i ich naprawa

Recherche des câbles endommagés, emplacement des fils dans le sol et réparation

Recherche de câbles endommagés, routage et localisation des pannes souterraines, détection des ruptures et des courts-circuits dans les fils électriques, court-circuit complet et ouverture, lignes brisées ou détection de connexions lâches d'éléments d'infrastructure souterrains tels que conduites d'eau, de gaz et de chauffage. Suppression des pannes de téléphone, d'alarme et de câble LAN - Radom


Searching for damaged wires in the ground and repairing them

We deal with finding a damaged cable in the ground, excavating, repairing or replacing a broken cable section. After the work - we restore the place to its original state.

Failures of underground cables occur due to corrosion or mechanical damage.

We use professional equipment that is able to find damage even up to one meter underground. It allows you to search for damages of LAN type cables, and wiring of alarm, intercom, electricity and energy installations as well as steel gas pipes, metal pipes, and traditional heating pipes.

We offer the possibility of thoroughly searching the area and locating the location of underground cables and metal pipes for safe excavation work.

Price: from 250 PLN net / hr

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