- Obecnie brak na stanie

Base, couvercle, plate-forme, climatiseur Dometic, montage domestique, support inférieur, boîtier, support, support de compresseur, armoire inférieure, FJ1100, FJ1100AM, FJ1500, FJ1700, FJ1700AM, FJ1700eIR, FJ2200, FJ2200AM, FJ2200eIR, FJ2200OE, FJ2200SR . Camping-car, parking climatisation, accessoires, boutique.
Before buying, carefully check the type and model of the mounted base in the air conditioners!
Use in air conditioners:
Base, couvercle, plate-forme, climatiseur Dometic, montage domestique, support inférieur, boîtier, support, support de compresseur, armoire inférieure, FJ1100, FJ1100AM, FJ1500, FJ1700, FJ1700AM, FJ1700eIR, FJ2200, FJ2200AM, FJ2200eIR, FJ2200OE, FJ2200SR . Camping-car, parking climatisation, accessoires, boutique.