Wynajem zwyżki do montażu, naprawy anten telewizyjnych i radiokomunikacyjnych

Location de nacelle élévatrice à panier pour l'assemblage, la réparation d'antennes de télévision et de communication radio

Camion-nacelle pour les travaux liés à l'assemblage de mâts, poignées, antennes - location avec un opérateur. Les services rendus à l'aide de la plateforme sont: la maintenance, l'assemblage, le démontage, le remplacement d'une antenne parabolique, la TNT numérique terrestre, la radio et les rampes. Location de palans d'assemblage, plateformes élévatrices.


Installation of antennas at height - basket lift rental

Rental of assembly hoist for various types of assembly, inspection and maintenance works carried out at heights.

The cost of hiring a basket aerial vehicle is settled according to the hourly rate (each hour started) and depends on the number of working hours, the degree of difficulty of the ordered work and includes the time needed to get to the place and return, as well as preparation for work.

The advantages of our company:
- We reach places that are hard to reach
- We carry out the work quickly and efficiently
- Availability 24/7 days a week
- Ability to commission us to provide the service
- Possibility of making and connecting electrical installations (SEP, UKE licenses)

Vehicle height in the folded state: 3.3 m; Width: 2.3 m; Length: 7m
Max. Work height 11.7m; max. side extension 6,8m
Basket load, in the full range of 120kg
Control from the basket and from the bottom, 230V socket in the basket.


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